How Can A Good Night’s Sleep Improve Your Running Performance

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Featured, Run, Sports, Training, Training "How To's"

As a runner, ensuring you get enough quality sleep is just as important as focusing on your training and eating well.

Not getting rest can hurt your running abilities and affect your concentration at work and mood. Improving your sleep can really boost your running performance in many ways. In fact, we know some elite runners who have sleep written into their training programmes. You might not be able to sleep twice a day, but improving your sleep cycle can make you a better runner. In short, you can sleep your way to the top, sort of… 

Sleeping Enough Can Give You A Speed Boost

According to this study athletes who consistently miss out on a good night’s sleep showed adverse effects on athletic performance, including cardiorespiratory and psychomotor effects, as well as an increased risk of injury. In addition, it plays a major role in mental health.

Sleep Enough For Good Running Performance

It Is Vital For Perception of Stamina

In another study, researchers from Denmark suggested that while one night of proper rest might not directly impact athletic performance ongoing lack of sleep could make workouts seem tougher. To stay mentally strong it’s crucial to prioritise sleep. Worrying about oversleeping before a race isn’t helpful; adrenaline can help compensate. You can focus on catching up on rest afterwards. Remember the importance of getting rest the night before the night before a big race.

Vital for Recovery

Not getting sleep can mess with hormones like Human Growth Hormone (HGH), essential for repairing body tissues after exercise. For runners who rely on HGH to recover skimping on sleep comes with risks.

Why Sleep For Runners Is Important

To ensure you improve your running performance by getting necessary rest to recover after a run, here are some helpful suggestions:

  • Stick to a Regular Sleep Schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day even on weekends. Consider taking naps during the day but be cautious of napping too close to bedtime.
  • Avoid Using Over-the-Counter Sleep Aids: Stay away from sleep aids that can be addictive or have side effects. Instead consider options like CBD oil, which studies show may improve overall sleep quality and help with sleep issues related to chronic pain.
  • Take CBD: CBD is believed to offer benefits through its anxiety properties, pain relief effects and ability to reduce stress. By interacting with the system CBD can affect various bodily functions such as snooze patterns, hormone balance, immune response and pain perception. Learn more about what other supplements runners should be taking, here.
  • Reduce Exposure to Blue Light: The blue light from devices like smartphones tells your body it’s still daytime making it harder for you to fall asleep. Use night mode. Apps that block blue light. Also, try not to use your phone before bed to calm your mind down.
Improve Your Running Performance With Enough Sleep

Well there you have it, understanding how crucial zzz’s are for running performance and adopting good sleep habits can greatly improve your overall health and athletic success. Now go get some shut-eye!

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