Here’s how to set effective running goals to work toward in the new year.
Whether you’re looking at taking your first steps in the sport or planning to run your first Ultra in 2024, an effective goal-setting strategy is pivotal for any runner’s growth and motivation. Setting (and then working toward achieving) goals is not only guaranteed to help you improve but will go a long way to adding ‘purpose’ to your runs and workouts.
How To Set Running Goals
- Specificity and Measurability: This is not some empty New Year’s Resolution…Don’t just vow to train in the mornings—consider all weather conditions. Be detailed, be measurable. Hold yourself accountable to putting on the shoes no matter the conditions.
- Challenge vs. Attainability: Walking the tightrope between ambitious and feasible is key when setting running goals. As your own coach, defining this line is crucial for progress. If you’re just starting out, this might mean running 5K without walking. For others, it might mean a half-marathon PB or stepping it up in distance to an Ultra.
- Consistent Training: A structured plan demands regularity. Documenting progress in a logbook ensures commitment and adherence to your training regime. Learn how to fit running into your busy schedule, here.
- Distance Over Speed: Sometimes, it’s not about pace but persistence. Focus on covering distances; speed will naturally follow suit. however, if you’re looking at nailing a distance PB in 2024, here’s how to get faster.
- Race Entry: One of the most potent motivators is signing up for a race. Committing to a date and aligning your training plan with it solidifies your purpose.
Learn About Effective Running Goals From One Of The Best
Ultra Trail Runner Ryan Sandes has been vocal about the goal-centric approach throughout his successful career. Whether he is training for a race or a specific project, such as circumnavigating Lesotho, his advice emphasizes the need for balance—knowing when to push and when to pause, avoiding the extremes of over-training or under-training.
According to Ryan, flexibility within your plan is paramount, considering life’s demands. Missing occasional runs isn’t catastrophic; it’s about the consistency of effort over time. Ryan highlights the importance of setting mini-goals, building stepping stones toward your primary objective.
For Ryan, visualizing your goal and building a structured training regimen around it are crucial steps. There you go, setting running goals isn’t just a checklist—it’s a narrative of your running journey. By embracing specificity, balance, adaptability and a positive mindset, you can craft a roadmap to success in 2024.
*Featured image by: Maksim Goncharenok / Pexels